Monday, December 3, 2007

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings review at Gamer 2.0.

"November 30,2007 - If you're a fan of Square Enix's games, good or bad, the DS is the system for you. For one reason or another, the RPG powerhouse developer/publisher has released more strategy-type RPG's than the standard ones everybody has been accustomed to seeing. We've seen another lackluster entry into the Mana series with Heroes of Mana, an old school title that goes beyond hardcore strategy with Front Mission, and now Square is taking the similar combat system from Heroes of Mana in a sort of different direction with a follow-up to Final Fantasy XII. The attempt to bring some strategic flair to the Mana series left players a bit dazed, but has it worked in this Final Fantasy XII follow-up?"

Full Source: Gamer 2.0

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